Friday, June 1, 2012

John Vedder Riggs, , by guest blogger Anne Vedder Hoffman De Groff

This story won first prize in the Stories from the Mohawk Valley History Essay Contest 2012

Hello there! C'mon in. It is cold outside and I was looking for company. You see, I think my demise is coming soon and I have such a story to tell about my life. Come on now, step right inside and I will fix you something hot to drink and we will sit by the fire. I just want to have someone know my story. Perhaps someday, 100 years from now, someone might have an interest in this old man's life.

My name is John Vedder Riggs and I come from a long line of Riggs' who came to this country in 1633 from England. But, I digress... this is MY story... not that of my ancestors.

I was born in Schenectady in the spring of 1839. My father was a printer and publisher who, along with my grandfather, published the Schenectady Cabinet and that was not my calling whatsoever. After attending Princetown Academy and taking a course at Albany Medical College, I graduated from the Buffalo College of Physicians and Surgeons. But what I really wanted to do was sing and perform! So, after becoming a doctor, I managed to connect with the San Francisco Minstrel Troupe as an interlocutor and bass soloist and traveled with them. While the Troupe was performing in the South, however, I left the Troupe to study yellow fever which was widespread at the time. I then returned to Amsterdam and began practicing medicine at 29 Market Street. Annie C Wilds and I were married at St. George's Church in Schenectady on October 31, 1861. 28 years later I would sell my practice and try to make it in NYC as a performer. It did not work out, however, and Annie and I came back to Amsterdam. I opened a drug store on Market Street and did well with patented medicines. With my son and eventually with my granddaughter, I took part in many musical events here and conducted the Liberty Bond Vocal Club. So, you can see my friend, that although I traveled far I always came back home and with no regrets.

Now it is has been told and I am sure you are ready to depart. But, remember my story and don't be afraid to pass it on. I have had an influence on life in Amsterdam and have lived the good life.

An article about this award winning story

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